
Showing posts from October, 2022

Letter Responses


The Color Purple introduction

      The color purple is a collection of letters to god. When writing or speaking to god it is an outlet for your emotions. God listens to your troubles and everything has a reason. The author is focusing on a relationship of a black family. There are challenges and obstacles that happen.

Letter to god


Dress Code

      Dress codes have pros and cons. Enforcing dress codes can be easier for students. Some outfits can be a distraction to other students. It would cut down on bullying and envy. However, students should be able to express themselves freely and feel comfortable in their attire. 

Driving Distractions

      Drivers on the road run into numerous distractions. The distractions can be their phone, passengers, environmental, radio, and other drivers. The study shows how most accidents occur. Drivers need to focus solely on driving when on the road to protect themselves and others. There are rules and laws in place to ensure driver safety.

Teenage rite of passage

      It is proven that less teenagers have driver’s license today compared to before. It is because of the new requirements that are in place. Although I have a permit, I am going to have to make time and drive a lot of hours. I have other focuses going on in my life. I may take a class or practice on my own. 

Take Away’s

      The poem symbolizes positive nostalgia. When thinking back to a good time in your life it can inspire and encourage you. Sometimes you may feel like there is no way to improve your situation. However, you can always start over. Drugs and death are unnecessary solutions to your struggles. 



Exit slip


Being American

     Being American comes with privilege and discrimination. Americans even discriminate against each other. We are seen as having more freedom and resources. Being American comes with stereotype and beliefs. However it has its ups and downs.

Fences film

     The fences film is a well produced movie that portrays the play. A few details are different in the movie but overall the poem does a great job with the storyline. The actors did good jobs with the roles of the characters. Their emotions were shown making it more understandable. The movie is what I imagined the details to be like. 

Fences ending

      Troy’s death is surprising. The stress he had was a factor of his death I believe. Raynell meeting her brother Cory is uplifting. Rose expressed her feelings for Troy and the sacrifices she made for him.