
Showing posts from August, 2022

Todays class

      Today’s poem was about accepting failure. It’s ok to fail as long as you continue to try again. That is apart of life  , and you learn from your mistakes.Also, Heartbreak happens in life but you will get over them.


      Today In class we read a poem. In life you will have down moments but you must get over it. Overcoming obstacles is apart of life. Sometimes it may feel like you are going to give up but it is best not to give up. 

Blogger post

      I think the there is a high probability of live outside of earth. The image of earth from mars is very surprising. I did not expect earth to look so small from mars. the sound of a black hole was what I expected it to be but I do wonder what causes that specific sound. This makes me realize that there is much more to life than just what is on earth. A lot of the universe is still to be explored. 


 Today in class we read and annotated a poem. The poem is about the lifestyle of teenagers. They were doing things their parents would probably not want them doing. It used slang and older phrases to convey the point. 

12 Sentence Story


Rhetorical Appeals

      Today, we learned about the 3 rhetorical appeals (logos,pathos, and ethos). Mr. Rease proposed the option to the class the option of having a free day on Friday. Since most students attend school 5 days a week and it requires early mornings, students should have a break. As a student I know that by Friday I am ready for the weekend. If students get a free day they can relax and enjoy themselves. They can work on work for another class to ensure they don’t fail a class and repeat a grade level.

Urban Legends

During todays class period we talked about urban legends and more. Urban Legends are all around us. Where I live (Georgia) there are many stories about towns and places where strange things have occurred. I have partaken in urban legends myself. The urban legends commonly known as “bloody mary, Charlie Charlie, and candy man

My life purpose

      I think my purpose in life is still to be determined by me. As of now it is to attend school and strive for a college education. I know that I want to go to medical school and be a doctor. I have wanted to be a pediatrician since I was younger, so I think it is my purpose. It seems like i would have enjoy it. I like being around kids and I don’t like to see people suffering. 

Today’s Class

 During class today, I learned about the insignificance of different talents people may have. For example, the speaker made it clear that people can be successful without being smart. Furthermore, it is good to always strive for your goals and remain positive.


      Hey, my name is Olivia. I go to Cedar grove high school as a junior. I turned sixteen April twenty-second. Originally, I am from Atlanta Georgia. For fun I like to play volleyball, dance, and rap (not a rapper). Three goals for this school year would be to bring up my gpa, earn college credits, and earn B’s or higher in all classes.